Eligibility and Service


Any person who becomes an Elected Official of the City of Regina may join the Plan within 90 days of the date of assuming office.




Once a person becomes eligible to join the Plan, they will receive a written description explaining the terms and conditions of the Plan, describing the benefits available and the contributions required, and outlining the rights and duties of the member.


All persons eligible for membership in the Plan must complete an enrollment form which will register you in the plan as well as authorize the deduction of contributions from each pay you receive.


If you have recently become eligible to participate in the Plan and have not received an enrollment form you may request one from Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.



Pensionable Service

All service by an Elected Official rendered from the first of the month following the date the member elects to join the Plan is pensionable service.  This shall include any service trasferred in to this Plan.


Pensionable service shall cease:


      - when the member is defeated;

      - when the member resigns;

      - when the member retires (at any age);

      - when the member reaches age 65; or

      - in the event of the death of the member


Transfer to and From Other Plans

Transferring service into the Plan from another pension plan or to another pension plan from this Plan is only possible where the Administrative Board has entered into a reciprocal agreement with the other pension plan.


Where no reciprocal agreement exists, the Administrative Board may, at their discretion, accept a transfer payment into the fund on behalf of a member from any registered pension plan, deferred profit sharing plan, or Registered Retirement Savings Plan as permitted by The Income Tax Act.


All transfers are subject to the limits under The Income Tax Act.


For inquiries regarding transfer of service, please contact Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.